Thursday 1 May 2008


Artist: Elefant



The Black Magic Show   
 The Black Magic Show

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 11

Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid   
 Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Max Born in Motown to Argentine parents in the late '70s, Diego Garcia immersed himself in the sounds of Iggy Pop and MC5 at an betimes eld. Medicine carried him passim his incumbency in Argentina until his heart operating surgeon begetter moved the family indorse to Tampa, FL, when Garcia was a pres Young adolescent, and by eld 14 he got himself an acoustic guitar and started writing songs. As Garcia approached college life at Robert Brown University in 1996, music was static career him contempt his class load in political economy. During his junior yr, Garcia accomplished he wanted a career in music, not in book of Book of Numbers. He left wing for New York Urban center upon his 2000 graduation and began a sore search for the city's finest musicians, eventually draw up with Circus for a brief sentence. A category subsequently, Garcia collected bassist Jeff Berrall, guitarist Mod, and drummer Kevin McAdams for the eclecticist dream pop mathematical group they named Elefant. The indie imprint Kemado gestural Elefant after hearing their four-song demonstration. The Gallery Missy EP appeared in Feb 2003 and the atmospherical, shower debut full-length Cheer Makes Me Paranoiac was released 2 months by and by. Their sophomore feat, The Black Magic Testify, showcased a to a greater extent than positive degree, solid rock music auditory sensation from Elefant. It was released in April 2006.
